I got to go pickin’ this week. It was only appropriate! The weather has been beautiful and reminds me that SPRING is coming!! It is only right that I find fabulous stuff and things that need brought back to life to sell at Harrigans’ Barn. Right? I came across this beauty, and instantly thought of my mom, Madaline. If ever there was a good woman, it was her!! She was an amazing, capable lady, but I am biased. However, the message on this piece of art made me think about myself, and all the other amazing, capable women in my family. I was proud of the distinction which I strive for every day, and proud of all the females that fit that bill that I am surrounded by. Part of why we do the activities that we do at Harrigans’ Barn is because of my mom. Our upcoming Spring Market event is on April 24th. My mom loved spring, and fall, hated winter and didn’t really like summer. April 26th is also her birthday. What a perfect way to celebrate the barn, and my mother, by having a great big party!! We are also honoring Madaline, and Cleo, by hosting the Community Feast at Harrigans’ Barn with the Mengarelli family. Cleo was an amazing, capable woman, and all of her daughter’s qualify for that tag as well. Just plain good women! it is only appropriate that we invite 50 diners to the property for a full-on 7 course Italian Meal on Mother’s Day weekend! My mom liked nothing better that hanging out with her friends and family, celebrating happy times by feeding people and being respectful of our heritage and beliefs by inviting friends into our circle and making them feel right at home.
Harrigans’ Barn Spring Market will be held on Saturday, April 24th from 9am to 4pm. With 50 amazing and capable vendors coming to help you have a good time, we welcome you to our Barn to share the day with us. Shopping is free, masks will be required, and we are outside in the open air! Sounds perfect, doesn’t it? Harrigans’ Barn and Mengarelli’s Italian Table will be hosting our second Community Feast on Saturday, May 8th at 7pm. Reservations are required, and we have 15 seats still available. The food is fantastic, the atmosphere is friendly and you are welcome to experience this event as we serve family style and under the stars. The family will be waiting for you, immediate and extended and you are always welcome at the party. Mark your calendar, gather your family and friends and stop by, won’t you? Happy SPRING!!
